Sunday, August 12, 2007


This is Mira at AGT during family week at Omega Institute.
She was Aries.
check out this link below about the adventure game theater:
Being at Omega is a magical place.
It gave me time to get outside of my head and into my heart.
I have been working on my poor posture through the yoga exercises.
I feel my heart opening instead of carrying the weight of the world on my shoulders.
It is scary
......finding that maybe I can't work in the job I have been
working...because of the politics of working there...I love the patients that
come through and being there to watch them grow.....and I am starting
to see things in my life that are a big waste of time like seeing the way I
waste my time online. but it is all growth and sometimes growth is
not quite comfortable.
I do know that I am feeling things more and am more awake to the moment....more alive
Maybe I am feeling at a deeper level because of all the meditation I have been doing.
I meditated every morning at 7am for an hour at Omega plus all of the yoga and just all the time to just be.
I feel better when I just fall into that emptiness.
I am embracing the change that is happening.

"Scientists have evidence that Buddhists really are happier and calmer
than other people. Tests on their brains show that the parts associated
with good moods and positive feelings are more active, because of all the
meditation they do. Researchers say that the type of meditation done by
Buddhists can change the amygdala, an area of the brain which controls
fear memory, which is why Buddhists are less likely to be as shocked,
surprised or angry as other people. Reseacher Paul Ekman says, "The
most reasonable hypothesis is that there is something about
conscientious Buddhist practice that results in the kind of happiness we
all seek."

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