Wednesday, December 26, 2007

My new mission statement

Mark got me this really cool shirt for Christmas....I am wearing it in the picture above....It says: "Greet everyone one as you would your dog." has this cool mission statement on the hangtag.
see below....I think that I will adopt it for my own mission statement.
It is beautiful and resonates with me.

Personal Mission Statement

“From this moment forward I resolve to live my life with integrity and purpose, operating from principle, not ego, in order that I may inspire love and trust by being an example to all; I understand that all life is sacred and, therefore, will not judge nor deny another my unconditional love; I will seek only to be of service and understand that as long as I align myself with the Power and Wisdom of the Universe, I have nothing to fear.”

1 comment:

Zoooma said...

But what if you come home and your dog has eaten all your Grateful Dead tapes? While I encourage people to always keep a level head and to stay calm, cool, and collected, that, having all those tapes munched up and ruined, no Jerry to play... I can't imagine that would be a nice greeting at all!!!!

Luckily my Cassidy never did that. He may've eaten everything else when he was a pupper, but never my tapes!

Garciya later :)