Thursday, March 8, 2007

Did you ever read Franny and Zooey?

That is one of my favorite books too. Mark and I used to have two finches and we named them Franny and Zooey.....that was before kids.
Franny and Zooey is a 1961 novel by J. D. Salinger, the author best known for The Catcher in the Rye. The novel consists of two distinct and related stories, "Franny" and "Zooey," which take place in November 1955. The stories originally appeared in The New Yorker magazine and were published in book form in September 1961. Franny and Zooey are two members of the Glass family, a frequent focus of Salinger's writings.
Below are some of the themes......I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!!! -Michele

The Jesus Prayer: The crux of Franny and Zooey is the Jesus Prayer Franny takes from the religious "Pilgrim" books. By incessantly praying to Jesus, the person who prays is endowed with "Christ-Consciousness," in Zooey's words, and can see God, in Franny's words. What Franny realizes only at the end of the novel, thanks to Zooey's wisdom, is that not only does one unite with Jesus through the prayer, but through all humanity, since everyone carries Christ within him or herself. The Jesus Prayer has more to do with love than with religion, as incessant praying spans several religions.

The Fat Lady: The point of the Jesus Prayer, that all humans deserve love and respect if only for their very humanity, is embodied in the persona of the "Fat Lady," Seymour's name for the (what Franny and Zooey perceive to be) uneducated, unattractive fans of "It's a Wise Child."

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