Thursday, October 11, 2007

Freedom to Live

This is a picture of Mark's dad, "Doc."
or Marko was his first name.
Anyway, he died July 3rd, 1993.
I was pregnant with Mira.
He had lung cancer....but died when his aneurysm burst.
It was very sudden, but I think he knew.
He worked on finding his life insurance policies and getting his affairs in order all day
on the day he died.
Mark had a dream about him a few months after he died.
He said the dream was really bright and his dad looked like the above picture......
when Mark remembers him being happy.
He was holding a baby which I assume was Mira......He told Mark he was okay and he felt
that "everything " was going to be alright.
When Mark woke up.....He knew that he talked to his dad.
read the quote below.

In many cases people who've become aware of their mortality fine that they've gain the freedom to live. they are sized with an appreciation for the present: every day is my best day; this is my life; I am not going to have this moment again. They spend more time with the people they love and less time on people and pastimes that don't offer love or joy. this seems like such a simple thought-shouldn't we all spend our lives that way? But we tend not to make those kind of choices until someone says, " you have 12 months to live."
-Bernie Seigel

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