Monday, January 21, 2008


Martin Luther King Jr. day.
It is not just a day off!!!

Martin Luther King JR. was such an amazing man to me.
He had such a belief within himself that he had the power to make a difference.
He was able to put that belief into action and become a conduit for others to have hope for equality for all human spirits.

This past weekend I was lucky enough to attend a yoga retreat/workshop with Todd Norian.
What a gentle and real soul!!
click here
I came away from the retreat today with a feeling of being expanded.
And with this expansion, comes much gratitude for my past and the path that has gotten me to where I am. also at this moment, I realize this path of yoga is becoming more and more a way of life....I want to embrace my power....rather than give it away to others.....I realize the responsibility I have each and every day to cleanse my thoughts and actions...and direct them towards creating peace within and use it towards the happiness and freedom for all beings.
and much love,

Man must evolve for all human conflict a method which rejects revenge, aggression, and retaliation.

~Martin Luther King, Jr.

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