Tuesday, July 8, 2008

softening the heart

Mira jumping into our lake.

"Once again we face a paradox, for it appears that softening your heart
and gently tending its wounds _will protect you from evil. Building a
fortress and defending yourself behind it will only make you more
vulnerable. Healing your own heart is the single _most powerful thing you
can do to change the world. Your own transformation will enable you to
withdraw _so completely from evil that you contribute to it by not one
word, one thought, or one breath."
-Deepak Chopra,
The Deeper Wound Recovering the Soul from Fear and


AutoDT said...

What a beautiful b/w photograph. It captures the moment very nicely!

Namaste and peace to you all!


IAA said...

Love love love that photo of Mira jumping, what a great shot! Could I have permission to steal it to paint it some day???

Hope all's joy, peace and love,

Michele B said...

thank you Cyrus and Mikki.
Mikki, yes!!!
you can paint this picture anytime....I am honored!!!