Thursday, April 10, 2008

on letting go

Above is a picture of our friend, Mr. Russell ....his real name is Russ Wilson, but

the kids have always called him Mr. Russell.

We adopted him into our family about 7 years ago

....he attends all family holiday and birthday parties.

He usually brings his gift of music or gift of magic.

His birthday is next month....He will be 62....

he gets to decide where we will go to dinner.....I am betting on Applebees.

He is such a kind soul.....our whole family loves him.

anyway, I needed to read this today (below)......I read it before going to yoga class tonight.

I feel so centered and like I can allow things to be after yoga and meditation.

Other times I think that I grasp too much.

anyway, read below.

and have a great day!!



We cannot change our past.

We can not change the fact that people act in a certain way.

We can not change the inevitable.

The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have,

and that is our attitude.

- Charles Swindoll

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