Friday, July 23, 2010


See how people chill in Atlantic City????

We spent a week in Atlantic City last week for a national dance competition that Mira and Macy participated in with their dance team.
I noticed a lot of homeless people and disabled people on the boardwalk.
Macy and I talked to a man had no legs and the other lady had one leg but only the use of one arm. We bought them cold drinks and talked to each of them for awhile. Macy noticed how happy they seemed. She thought they should be depressed given their place in life.
I noticed they were at such a slow pace and enjoying the day.......sometimes I don't enjoy my day when I hustle and bustle about.
I hope you enjoy the article is a note to myself: "relax the frontal lobe."

How to Slow Down

1. Drink a cup of tea, put your feet up and stare idly out of the window. Warning: Do not attempt this while driving.

2. Do one thing at a time. Remember multitasking is a moral weakness (except for women who have superior brain function.)

3. Do not be pushed into answering questions. A response is not the same as an answer. Ponder, take your time.

4. Learn our Slow Manifesto.

5. Yawn often. Medical studies have shown lots of things, and possibly that yawning may be good for you.

6. Spend more time in bed. You have a better chance of cultivating your dreams (not your aspirations.)

7. Read the slow stories.

8. Spend more time in the bathtub. (See letter from Major Smythe-Blunder.)

9. Practice doing nothing. (Yes this is the difficult one.)

10. Avoid too much seriousness. Laugh, because you're only alive on planet earth for a limited time.

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