Monday, November 29, 2010


In my next life, I am coming back as a cat!!!!

If we want world peace, we must let go of our attachments and truly live like nomads. That's where I no mad at you and you no mad at me. That way there will surely be nomadness on the planet. Peace begins with each of us. A little peace here, a little peace there. Pretty soon all the peaces will fit together to make one big peace everywhere. -Swami Beyondananda


AutoDT said...

Love the picture!!!!!:)

Also, love that quote by Swami true and simple...

Have a great day, to you and family:)


Michele B said...

Hi Cyrus!!!!!!!
It is good to hear from you!!
I miss being able to leave a comment on your blog!!!!!
I am hoping you get a facebook soon!!!!!!!!