Monday, April 16, 2007

Earth University

The goal of the Soul is not to finally be able to project a perfect human specimen as if earth were a laboratory and God would then grant some prize or preferred position. It is simply to experience life on this planet in a variety of human forms in a variety of situations to learn as much as we can about being in the physical world, which a Soul can't do without a physical body. Soul sees the world through our eyes, experiences the world through our physical senses. For this opportunity, the human being is given the free will to be in control it's own life experience. Whatever we do in our life, our Soul experiences and learns from. We are Souls attending Earth University.

People are always asking me Why do we forget that we are spiritual beings when we are born? When human beings are first born, our first years are occupied with learning to operate our bodies and make sense out of the world we are born into. If an adult tells us this is a table and that is chair then that is what we believe it is. We're conditioned to believe what we're told the world is and come to believe it as if it were completely true in our later years, even if our early experiences contradict that reality. Children who have "imaginary" friends are not mentally ill. They see what adults tell them they cannot see. They "see dead people," they see angels, they see into the spiritual dimension. No wonder humans grow up not knowing what to believe. As young children, our connection to our Soul is still open. If not before, by age 7 or 8 the connection is usually closed; in some cases severed, often by very self-righteous adults. We do remember, it is life that teaches us to forget.

Awakenings are really rememberings because our Soul already knows everything. It is a challenge to each human being to remember that we are Souls having human experiences-- awakening to our higher consciousness. All the struggle falls away... all the suffering, the grief, the anger, the mistrust. All the fear dissolves when we recognize ourselves as spiritual beings come here to experience the joy of being animated in the physical world.

An evolution of consciousness is the central motive of terrestrial existence.

~Sri Aurobindo

When we are dying, we begin to see it again. Those who die over a period of time have visitors from the spiritual world. Deceased loved ones. Angels. They begin their life review in their dreams as they drift back and forth from the spiritual to the physical world. They find themselves spending more time in the spiritual realms and are confused when they come back into their body and physical surroundings. They feel like they exist in a dream state and every once in a while, they wake up. Some remember before their body dies that this life was only temporary and now it is time to return home. Some don't believe it even after they leave their body behind and have to be convinced because the spiritual world is so similar to the physical world. And after we remember, we say-- next life, I'm going to remember sooner because if I had known then what I know now, I would have lived my life differently... with more love and compassion.

Those who come into this life remembering and don't forget as adults, who are encouraged by the adults around them to express who they are, are often responsible for awakening many others during that life. Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha. There have been many and there will be continue to be others who will, by the way they live their lives, be mentors for many others to awaken to God-consciousness. What human beings create or destroy on this planet is going to be up to the human beings who are alive at the time. A Global Awakening to God-Consciousness will insure that human beings will survive and prosper and populate at least this edge of the Galaxy.

by Diane Goble

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