Sunday, June 24, 2007

The path of nonresistance

This is a picture of Mark and Carlos outside of my apartment at Ohio State.
I laugh whenever I see this picture. I love the note below...hope you do too Love, Michele

Sydney Harris, the distinguished news columnist, tells of visiting a friend for a weekend. Each evening, he would walk to the corner with the friend to by the evening newspaper. The man would be cheerful and pleasant but the newsie would always reply with a grunt.

Harris commented one night, “He is a mighty unpleasant fellow, isn’t he?” The friend replied, “Oh, he is always that way.” But why are you so nice to him?” The answer is a classic that reflects a deep understanding of nonresistance. The friend said, “But why should I let him determine how I am going to act?”

Here was a man who knew that his chief responsibility in life was to act the part of his divinity. Why should he let any man on the street cause him to lower his consciousness and thus reduce his whole experience of life?

Remember, you may not be able to change or control the people around you, but you can determine the level of consciousness on which you meet them and react to them. This is one of the most significant discoveries that man can make.

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