Monday, February 4, 2008

Burning for God

Marko made this bagel face by himself yesterday and then came and got me and asked me to take a picture of it "for my blog."
I thought it was cute.
Hope you love the note below.
Have a great day.

A wonderful story by Henry James describes what happens when someone tries to avoid the true trials of the journey to the divine. Early in the story, a man is told that something terrible is going to happen to him. So, he withdraws, hardly sees anybody, and lives a very very protected existence. One day, while walking in a cemetery, he sees an old woman throwing herself on the grave of her husband, weeping and calling out. Suddenly, witnessing her grief and the love that lay under it, he realizes that the terrible thing he would experience was that nothing would ever happen to him. The woman showed him a love that is the glory of life. That glory would never be his because of his fear. It's a wonderful story, and everyone's story. To be open is to risk being shattered, but without that shattering there is no glory.
As Rumi wrote:
The Burning Bush has come. It must put us to the test. We wanted revelation and now we must burn. You said "yes" at the beginning, why do you shrink now? Become a salamander. Make a house.
- This was adapted from an interview with Andrew Harvey by Benjamin Sheild.

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