Sunday, March 30, 2008

The Rhythm of life

Today was a beautiful day.....Mira and Macy danced in the pink ribbon showcase....
a benefit for breast cancer.....One of the dances was dedicated to my friend Sue Rudo
who is fighting breast cancer. This a picture from that dance. Sue came to the event.

I am amazed by her enthusiasm for life and her ability to be so loving
and so giving during

a period in life which she feels crappy a lot of the time and has to deal
with chemo therapy and radiation and she just keeps on going
.....for sure one of my heroes and teachers in life!!

Hope you enjoy the quote below.

If you want to dance with another, root your self first. Learn to hear you own guidance. Dialogue with the hurt child and divine host within. Practice forgiveness and compassion for yourself. Be with your experience and learn from it. Stay in the rhythm of life. Be open to others, but do not go out of your way to find them. Those who know how to dance will meet you half way. It will not be a struggle. You will feel companionship without effort.
Paul Ferrini


AutoDT said...

Michele, please pass on this message to your friend Sue Rudo:
'Be not afraid! I shall be with you
till the end of time and beyond;
whether you believe in Me or not.
I shall be your shadow, ever watchful and always aware. Be not afraid! Have faith in yourself and you shall enter My kingdom. Have faith in yourself, and you shall become one with Me.Be not afraid! Be not afraid! Amen.'
(Cyrus Rumi, 31/3/08, 1-15pm)

Namaste and peace be upon you.

Michele B said...

I am going to see Sue tonight...a few of us meet and do reiki for her....I will tell her to look up this post Cyrus and she can read your beautiful comment.