Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Tuesdays with Morrie

picture by Marko......hope you enjoy the words below.

The book, "Tuesdays with Morrie", is still on the best seller list. Why do you think the book has such broad appeal?

Mitch Albom:
Three reasons, I think. One, everyone has had some teacher like Morrie, and I think the book reminds people of how precious a teacher or mentor can be. Number two, I think a lot of Americans are working way too many hours-as I was doing-and feeling very dissatisfied, wondering if this is really the path to a happy life. For them, I think the book is an inspiration to allow themselves to step back and appreciate the love and laughter of life without feeling guilty about it. And three, I believe that everyone has either lost someone they love or is going to. Morrie's lessons about how "Death ends a life, but not a relationship" are comforting to people seeking to make peace with saying goodbye to loved ones. Let's face it. We all have two things in common, no matter who we are: We were born and we are going to die. The universal implications of that are why I think "Tuesdays With Morrie" continues to appeal to so many people.

transcript of this talk...click here

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