Sunday, July 12, 2009


Macy took this picture at the zoo at few weeks ago.
I thought that it looked pretty cool!!!
I hope you like the words below!!

I want to remind us all that the world is listening, all the time.
How we are ripples out from us into the world and affects others.
We have a responsibility-an ability to respond-to the world.
Finding our particular way of living this responsibility,
of offering who we are to the world, is why we are here.
We are called because the world needs us
to embody the meaning in our lives. God needs us awake.
The world we live in is a cocreation,
a manifestation of individual consciousness woven
into a collective dream. How we are with each other as individuals,
as groups, as nations and tribes is what shapes that dream.
-Oriah Mountain Dreamer


AutoDT said...

A beautiful picture by Macy...and agreat quote...Thank you for sharing...

Namaste to you and family,


Michele B said...

I will share your kind words with Macy!!
thanks so much Cyrus!!
Much peace to you,

Kristie said...

I love this saying Michele! It is so true and really resonates with me. You always share such wonderful quotes and pictures! Very cool fish! Looks like you're having a fun summer too! :)

Michele B said...

thank you Kristie!!!!!!
Have you ever read any of Oriah's poems????? I know you would love are a kindred spirit :)

Kristie said...

Hi Michele! I don't believe I have read any of Oriah's poems. I'll have to look them up now! Thanks! :)