Friday, May 25, 2007

The Teacher inside you

The True Teacher Cannot Be Lost

By Theresa Cordova
It is the inevitable reminder that
no matter what the appearance of
loss, there is an Indweller lying in repose,
waiting for us to connect and
beckoning us to come closer and closer.
The invitation is for opening our
hearts and sometimes
even allowing our hearts to break
in order to allow the
Light to come through,
cleansing our eyes
with tears of sadness and joy.

Then once again
we can see clearly and experience

the truth that we are wondrously made.
We again remember to stop
and set a trap
for the perspective of the Indweller.

Within this perspective, we connect
with the dragon of our feelings

as it transforms from
a monster to a mystical, magical being.

It is this being that
guides us throughout the universe within,

where we go so that we never
have to go without.

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