Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Route 88 West

Mira and Maxine

wow.....love this poem below.....can't even picture how I will feel when Mira goes to college. Love, Michele

Route 88 West
----------for my daughter
I am driving you 350 miles away from home

and I am going to leave you with strangers.

I am driving you into your next life,

and I am going to leave you there.

You are snoring while I drive;

I feel like shaking you awake.
I would think one might sit tall in her seat,
memorize each tree,
each field, each farm.
For hours it's been one green field after another,
the silver tops of silos like blunt steeples.

What book is this in, Amy, which dream?
Since when am I simply supposed to take you places,
turn around, walk away?
Exhausted, your lips move
in your sleep. I tell you

it's one strange town after another-

names I can't pronounce.

-Carol Potter

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I felt like this sending my daughter off to first grade. It seemed like the beginning of her leaving my safe, warm arms. I thinking the hardest thing about being a parent is trusting yourself that you've given your child the stregnth to be out in the world- I never knew I'd worry so much-Holly