Tuesday, October 30, 2007

staying awake

Mira meeting Macy right after she was born.....never did get that epidural they said I would get.....that is because I arrived there at 10cm.
Anyway...it was worth the pain...Mira might agree also...
...Love, Michele

This circle of lovers
is the craziest bunch I’ve ever met.
We rant like the truly possessed,
groping with clutched fingers
to give voice to the least echo of
the Word beyond all words,
the moment beyond all time.
We probably should be locked-up
for our own safety,
except the lunacy in which we connect
is the only sane intent
in this universal dream-sequence of foolish pursuits.

So here’s our prenuptial agreement:
I’ll keep shaking you awake with my folly,
and you return the favor.
--Charles Radican

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