Friday, March 23, 2007

Kids....20 ways to show you care

20 Ways to Show You Care (excerpted from the Research Institute of Minneapolis)
1. Hide surprises for them to find.
2. Contribute to their collections.
3. Clip magazine pictures and articles that interest them.
4. Help them to become an expert in something.
5. Tell them about yourself.
6. Admit when you make a mistake.
7. Tell them stories in which they are the hero.
8. Notice when they grow.
9. Help them learn something new.
10. Be silly together.
11. Share a secret.
12. Help them take a stand and stand with them.
13. Look in their eyes when you talk with them.
14. Tell them their feelings are OK.
15. Forget your worries sometimes and concentrate only on them.
16. Notice when they are acting different.
17. Send them a letter, card or postcard.
18. Ask for their opinion.
19. Give them a special nickname.
20. Create a tradition with them, and keep it.

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