Thursday, March 29, 2007

My cousin, Chad

Below is a picture of my cousin Chad and a part of a poem by him.
He is a very creative soul.....don't think he will ever carry a brief case and work a 9-5 job.
He is very alive and passionate about life.
here is my favorite line of the poem,
Woe unto you commoners
who sit upon plastic lawn furniture
allowing your souls to flicker and die away
like smoldering timber!

Chad's poem From “SoulCry Suffer,” by Chad William Lowther . . .

I long to know those passion filled lunatics who paint colors of emotion
upon the blank canvass faces of commoners
who stand safely by the shores of their comfortable existences
as waves of life crash against the walls of detachment they've built around themselves, commoners who gaze with eyes of longing out onto a horizon
drawn by endless gray sky and blue storming seas
littered with the distant scattered specs of ships
navigated by the reincarnations of prophets and apostles,
ships that cut through foamy crests like manic prose
on journeys destined to be halted at the death of mortal flesh,
and picked up again by the flaming poets of future generations
on and on until the end of time.

These are the passion filled lunatics I long to know.
Their sails are full of the winds of progression,
their faces cooled by those same breezes,
faces made hot by blood of fire,
blood so hot one may think their hearts giant pumping furnaces,
blood boiled by souls that burn with all the sun's intensity.

From sea to shore their condemnation resounds:
Woe unto you commoners
who have allowed the cries of humanity
to be drowned out by your own wanton narcissism!

Woe unto you commoners
who sit upon plastic lawn furniture
allowing your souls to flicker and die away
like smoldering timber!

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