Thursday, January 24, 2008

Abe and Guardian Angels

This is Marko looking so cute this morning. He was all bright eyed and excited for
spirit day.....which the theme was dress like a famous person.
Marko decided like two weeks ago that he wanted to be Abe Lincoln.
He talked about it almost everyday and worked on his costume.
He went on the internet and looked at pictures of Abe and printed them out.
Last night, he said, I can't wait for tomorrow.
He told me he got to school wearing his Abe Lincoln outfit
and kids started teasing him.
He said he wanted to say something mean back,
but did not want to hurt their feelings.
So, he just told a few people to stop teasing him and then just stopped talking.
He then got some tissue and went to the drinking fountain and washed off his beard and was feeling really sad.
He said he kept asking his guardian angel to help him.
His guardian angel must have been listening because.....
Today, I happened to be in the school helping out a teacher by making copies on the copier.
In the middle of my copy job, the copy machine repair man showed up.
He suggested that I go to the computer lab where there is another copy machine to finish.
so ....I went into the computer lab.....and Marko's class just happened to be there.
and that is where I found Marko crying.
He told me he ripped his bow-tie off and took off the hat and coat and tried to wash his face off.
He was so sad and said he had been insulted by so many people and not many people
dressed up, so he was made fun of.
weird how the copy machine repair man showed an angel
in disguise ....although I saw him as a road block because he said he had to do some maintenance on the machine and told me to go to the computer lab and use another copy machine in there.
Otherwise, I would not have even gone in there.
So I took Marko out of school and out to lunch we talked about
being assertive and I had him role play some assertive behavior and I played a bully.
We talked about the difference between passive, assertive and aggressive behavior.
He wanted to go back to school after lunch.
So we went home after lunch and he changed.
When we got back to school, it was indoor recess.
I heard a bunch of kids say "good, Marko is back."
A few greeted him and one boy hugged him.
I stayed and played until the bell rang.
I felt so bad about today, but also grateful that he could turn it around into
a positive experience.
Oh well....he has to learn to be assertive....and how to deal with conflict in a
positive way.
He told me that the last thing he would have ever done was use his fists.
So I am glad for that.

Sometimes being a mom about rips my heart out.
I wonder how I will feel the first time a girl breaks his heart.
I hope I am able to stay neutral and listen to the lesson that life is trying to teach.

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