Thursday, January 3, 2008

getting excited about life

above is a picture from New Years Eve.
We have a tradition of spending it
with our very dear friends, the Hudson-Hecks.

They are very special people in my life.
We met them 10 years ago when our girls were
in preschool together.
It was an instant friendship for all of us.

I love friendships that are so easy.
I chose the quote below because they have
such enthusiasm for life.

I love Anthony de Mello.....
a friend of mine gave me a book by him.
I still read it from time to time.....
he has lots of pearls of wisdom
that I need to be reminded of.


"To the woman who complained
that riches hadn't made her happy,
the Master said,

"You speak as if luxury and comfort
were ingredients of happiness;
whereas all you need to be really happy, my dear,
is something to be enthusiastic about."

-- Anthony de Mello

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