Wednesday, January 16, 2008

truckin to where???? I don't know.

so I finally got this book in my hands....
I get excited about things like that.....

I tried to buy it at borders the other night here in
Medina but they were all out....

but I got it today.
at Medina's new gorgeous library......
see photos here:
click here

The Faithful the quote below from it!!!!

 What is this faithful
process of spirit and seed that touches empty ground
and makes it rich
again? It’s greater workings I cannot claim to understand.
But I know
this: Whatever we set our days to might
be the least of what we do, if
we do not also understand that something
is waiting for us to make
ground for it, something that lingers near us,
something that loves,
something that waits for the right ground
to be made so it can make its
full presence known.

I am certain that as we stand in the care
of this faithful force, that what has
seemed dead is dead no longer,
what has seemed lost is no longer lost,
that which some have claimed
impossible, is made clearly possible,
and what ground is fallow is only
resting- resting and waiting for
the blessed seed to arrive on the wind
with all Godspeed.

And it will.
-Clarissa Pinkola Estés

I am also trying to let go.....let go of wanting things to be different than they are.
I have a friend that is a lot of pain.....
We did reiki on her last night for an hour.
It was very powerful....but I WANT a different outcome.
I am trying to let go and just be with the process and
allow things unfold...but that is really hard from me.
Cancer is such an ugly thing.....
I try to see the beauty....and I see the beauty
in all the love that comes about...
all the support ......but it still hurts.

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