Friday, April 18, 2008


Mira took this picture of the daffodils in our yard. They look so beautiful today. I am feeling really sad right now.....I took a walk this afternoon.... it is so beautiful and warm today....but when I got to my favorite park that I walk to, I noticed a huge chunk of trees were cut down. They must have done that yesterday because it was so nice out. The city is allowing another elementary school to be built in the park (trade out with the county park system for soccer fields in another part of town) .......but I feel really sad because a major part of the park was wiped out. Especially because there are already so many empty buildings in this town that could have possibly been used for a school. I just don't want to see all of the trees gone and the town become one slab of concrete. "I am the Lorax and I speak for the trees."
I hope you enjoy the quote below.

Do not let the fact that things are not made for you,
that conditions are not as they should be, stop you.
Go on anyway. Everything depends on those who go on anyway.

-Robert HĂ©nri, The Art Spirit, written in 1923

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