Thursday, November 1, 2007

Being in the world, but not of the world

Our first home in Berea. We bought it the year before we got married and lived there 5
years. It was a cool house....right by the metroparks.
I still drive by in on occasion.

We are always rushing somewhere else, to some other, better world.
We are uncomfortable here, in this complex, confusing, plural mess.
We want out.
Our desire for escape gets easily confused with spirituality
--the desire for Heaven, the other world.
This confusion is itself archetypal:
but the path to the other world must lead through this one.
Our struggle is first and foremost in this world.
We cannot escape by ignoring it. Corbin, and many others,
say we must be born again, but I think we must be born
in the first place into this world,
that we may, perhaps, be born again beyond it.
--Tom Cheetham

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Michele- you have had a theme this last week of reminiscing about the 80's with your photos. Do you miss your Big Hair, your VW rabbit, dorm food and of course eggs and beer on weekend mornings? keep the memories coming---Leslie