Thursday, November 8, 2007

unconditional love

weirdos!....nice 1868 jacket!

In, “The Secret of St. Francis of Assisi,” Christian Bobin speaks of the look between lovers;
you know, that unflinching stare that breaks the padlocked virginity of all social scripts
and sends us diving into an invigorating pool of momentary union and sinking bliss.

I think (and hope) we’ve all swam in the pond of a loved ones eyes before.....(like when I snuggle with Marko at night and read to him, or when I think about my dad taking Macy to the Indian's game and how they stay after the game and get the players' autographs, or when I see Dusty scratch his paw on Mira's door in the morning while she is getting ready so he can come kiss her, or when I see Mark making Mira breakfast every morning before school or see my friend at work, Darlene's eyes light up when she talks about her grandson, or when a patient gives me a hug at the end of the day)
And Christian Bobin says of this moment:

“…with the full light of your eyes, you will endow me with the certainty that I exist.”

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