Thursday, November 1, 2007

On Friendship

Above is a picture of my dear friend Sangita and I in San of my favorite cities and one of my favorite friends. I met her in my dorm in 1983.
She was one of the people that helped open me up to the great "mystery" in life.
She had and still does emanate this kind of "selflessness." I still can picture her in her purple bathrobe with her dorm room door open and inviting me in to have some ramen noodles from her hotpot.
She gave everything away even when she had nothing to give.
She has always been there for me like that....even when I had insomnia and would walk the halls in the dorm...she always invited me in.
I just talked to her last week on the phone and her voice always brings me back to a place of warmth. I can go a very long time without talking to her and the connection is always there.
It is nice to know that since traveling between Ohio and California is not that frequent anymore for either of us. Friends like that don't come around that often....but when they just feel the connection in your heart forever.
thank you Sanginta for Shining your light on me!!!!

If someone listens, or stretches out a hand,
or whispers
a kind word of encouragement,
or attempts to understand a lonely person,
extraordinary things begin to happen.
--Loretta Girzaitis

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