Sunday, June 15, 2008

artistic expression and life force

I loved this. This is a body piercing place on High St. at Ohio State University.
I love going back to visit OSU.......
hope you enjoy the words below.
Eliezer showed up on my blog and I am glad he did.
There is a link to his blog (the 99th monkey) under my kindred spirits.
have a great day!!!

"Whether one is letting oneself go into a cathartic, wild dance; singing songs and sounds full out from a surrendered heart; or writing or painting with unbridled abandon and freedom, the principle is always the same: The arts are an exquisite vehicle for exploring the fundamental spiritual fact of life — that in any given moment, we have the capacity to drop, or step aside from, the narrow, limited, me-oriented personality and allow a deeper, mysterious expression to pass through us, one that moves way beyond mere 'self-expression' in that it emerges from an inner well that is interconnected and one with the Whole of existence. It is our true originality and vision, our unique piece of the cosmic puzzle that is our responsibility and mission to contribute."

-Eliezer Sobel

1 comment:

Eliezer Sobel said...

Wow, I'd like to meet that guy! Where did you find that? It's always interesting to me that when I write I can often tap into "higher' or more inspired places than I do in my daily, ordinary life and conversation. I guess it's almost like channeling, allowing a source of greater wisdom to communicate that is somehow more wired into my fingers on the computer keyboard than into my speech. In other words, I write better than I live, and I often need to catch up to my own inspirational glimpses. Thanks for posting that!