Thursday, September 4, 2008

things that don't make sense to me

This is the bumper sticker that we see every morning when we drop off Marko at grade school. It is always parked in front of the school and the mom is always dropping off her three kids in her mini van. I don't understand why she would have a bumper sticker like that on her van and park it in front of a school. but then again I don't know how she was raised or what troubles she faces either. I know she loves her kids because I see her hug them each good bye in the morning. I guess I should not be so judgemental.....When people know better, they will do better.... oh well ...hope you like the quote below.
love, Michele

"I no longer expect things to make sense. I know there is no safety.
But that does not mean there is no magic. It does not mean there is no hope.
It simply means that each of us has reason to be wishful and frightened, aspiring and flawed. And it means that, to the degree we are lost, it is on the same ocean, in the same night."
-Elizabeth Kaye


AutoDT said...

I believe this lady ( with the bumper sticker) must be very proud of her ancestral heritage!:)

Namaste to you all.


Volly said...

I'm inclined to suspect some other member of her household may have placed the sticker there, and it's not Priority One for her to remove it.

I once worked at a hospital where the head nurse, a very dignified, well-educated lady, had a Honda hatchback just covered with stickers such as "As a matter of fact I do own this road" and "I refuse to grow up."

Turns out, it was her son's car - he was in Europe. She used it because her car had gotten totaled. That explained the dissonance between her image and her ride...