Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Having a sense of calm

Mark and I got to go on Marko's field trip today to Mr. Knight's farm.
(his principal) was very fun and very beautiful.
When we were there, Marko said "this is the best day of my life."
He had a hard time falling asleep last night because he was so excited for today.
hope you like the quote below.
Ps click on the link below from Cyrus's the video on spirituality and the brain!!
It is a very powerful video...and really resonated with me!!:

"You do not seek peace by looking into the lives of others
and wishing that they would change
so that you could become more peaceful.
Rather, you bring your own sense of calm to everyone you encounter."

Wayne Dyer


AutoDT said...

'It's by sharing small things with others that you come to realise that you can create a much better, and a peaceful world.'
(Cyrus Rumi, 00:55hrs)

Namaste and peace to you all.

Michele B said...

I love the quote!!