Tuesday, May 13, 2008

shattered into a million pieces

Mark accidentally shattered this glass table we had on Saturday.
He was trying to clean it and it broke into a million pieces.
All I could think of was what cool pieces of art!
He was mad at first, but he saved the pieces for art.....and I took some pictures of the glass. We are not a family made for a glass top table anyway.
above is one of pictures I took.....doesn't the glass look so cool???
I love, love, love the quote below.

Count no day lost in which you waited your turn, took only your share
and sought advantage
over no one.
--Robert Brault


indicaspecies said...

Cool art indeed, and more importantly, I love your cool reaction to the shattered glass. No doubt you are a great mom. :)

Michele B said...

thanks Celine.
ask my kids though...they might tell you different.
all three of them were mad at me yesterday.
Marko was mad because he doesn't want to empty the trash as his chore anymore.
He says he is "too old" for that kind of chore.
Macy was mad because I made her eat chicken last night....she has been a vegetarian for 1 1/2 years and doesn't want to hurt animals...but her energy level has been so low lately.
she did decide to eat meat though...it was either that or quit dance. and "dance is my passion." as she puts it.

Mira was mad because I made her vaccuum the living room floor where Dusty chewed up all kinds of crayons and pencils that were left out..and that made her late for ballet.

so see I am not so nice...
well today they weren't mad at me...yet...but it is still early.
have a great day Celine!!!

indicaspecies said...

Those are trivial day to day ups and downs of life. Having watched you, I can say with confidence you are a great mom.:)